A line composed of containers, drawers and bookcases to which desk tops can be integrated. The containers, open or closed with melamine or sound-absorbing doors. The bookcases are designed with the fusion of wooden parts and metal sheets, to obtain new shapes aesthetic.
I contenitori di questa serie oltre alla funzione di contenere la documentazione se scelti con le ante in materiale fonoassorbente assorbono il riverbero sonoro e possono essere a giorno o chiusi con ante.
Molteplici sono anche le cassettiere che grazie ad uno speciale attacco possono diventare portanti.
2023 STEFANI srl / All rights reserved / REA RA 18916 / C.F P.IVA 01079020390 /
A line composed of containers, drawers and bookcases to which desk tops can be integrated. The containers, open or closed with melamine or sound-absorbing doors. The bookcases are designed with the fusion of wooden parts and metal sheets, to obtain new shapes aesthetic.
Topakustik 4akustik soluzioni per il rumore acustica
Topakustik 4akustik soluzioni per il rumore acustica
A line composed of containers, drawers and bookcases to which desk tops can be integrated. The containers, open or closed with melamine or sound-absorbing doors. The bookcases are designed with the fusion of wooden parts and metal sheets, to obtain new shapes aesthetic.
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