The visitor element seems suspended and can be emphasized by a LED lighting effect, with diffused light.
Angled or in-line solutions, large worktop and small open niches on the top to optimize the available space, make this product modular and elegant.

L'elemento visitatore sembra sospeso e può essere ulteriormente valorizzato da una luce LED con effetto luce diffusa.
Soluzioni angolari a destra o a sinistra, cubotti per contenere documenti e ampia varietà di configurazioni rendono questo prodotto modulare ed elegante.

2023 STEFANI srl /all rights reserved/ REA RA 18916 / C.F P.IVA 01079020390 /
The visitor element seems suspended and can be emphasized by a LED lighting effect, with diffused light.
Angled or in-line solutions, large worktop and small open niches on the top to optimize the available space, make this product modular and elegant.
Topakustik 4akustik soluzioni per il rumore acustica
Topakustik 4akustik soluzioni per il rumore acustica
The visitor element seems suspended and can be emphasized by a LED lighting effect, with diffused light.
Angled or in-line solutions, large worktop and small open niches on the top to optimize the available space, make this product modular and elegant.
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